Welcome to Reiner Beck - A Private Website
- living in Ulm/Germany
- engineer
- hobby mountaineer
- hobby photographer/writer
- hobby traveller
- living in Ulm/Germany
- engineer
- hobby mountaineer
- hobby photographer/writer
- hobby traveller
- trained electrician
- biomedical engineering degree (Dipl. Ing. (FH) Medizintechnik)
- sales / project managment / product management / R&D
- industries: medical devices, machine building - life science, electronics, PV
- European Alps Germany / Austria / Switzerland
- German middle ranges
- Cordilleras of Venezuela / Ecador / Peru / Bolivia
- Big Kaukasus in Georgia
- Himalayas in Nepal
- Trekking / Mountainbiking / Mountain Climbing / Skimo / Kajak / Hiking
frequently in Germany / Austria / Switzerland / Italy
Norway / France / UK / Spain
New Zealand / Australia / Nepal / India / Georgia
Latin America:
Venezuela / Ecuador / Peru / Bolivia
- 2x Sony A65 DSLR
- Sony RX 100
- Landscapes / Cities / Mountain Tours / People
- Timelapse
- Lightroom / Photoshop / Premiere
Reiner Beck
Ensostr. 18
89079 Ulm
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